@Djamee #new #kindle #free #kdp #promotion Dec 27th Dec 28th "Building Limitless Success" is an ambitious proposition. An offer you may decide to pass on; or an offer you just can't refuse? This is for you to decide. You and only you know where you are right now and what your next move should be. The author has traveled from an early age from Europe to Africa to Europe again and then to The United States. Building Limitless Success reflects his philosophy about his life based on observation;research; facts; results; not fiction. The style may remind you of something you might have read before. This is normal. There are not several truth; only several interpretation of it. Djamee Raphael, is fascinated by the way people communicate. Both in modern times and ancient times. Just like when it comes to fashion; Djamee present you a system that has worked in the past and still works today. Why another books about success? Why not. Furthermore, the author follows the steps and principles included in this book. Yes you will have to read it and may be you will be able to find each and every gold nuggets hidden in plain sight in it. Yes Djamee, is confident that this small book will only give answers to those readers that are ready to accept and receive them. For some it will just be another book about self motivation; for others it can be a book of revelations; a book of tested systems ready for you to use; just like an helping hand to brighten up any day. So are you ready to get started today? Continue Reading. PS: Building Limitless Success KDP Free Kindle Book Promotion Sunday Dec 27th; Monday De 28th
By Joe Ranieri This is the question for you if you have ever shared a passionate new vision for your life and been told to ‘be realistic.’ Do you accept others’ wet blanket counsel, or do you shrug it off and turn the grand visions of your imagination into a reality? Sadly, lots of us at times have chosen the cold, mushy blanket. Many of us have been duped into thinking that there is no other option but to stay inside wrapped tightly under the covers. However, there are people outside running free in the sun who have let their blankets dry up, and cast them aside. We have largely bought into a lie about what is possible. The ‘official’ version of ‘what is’ has been manufactured. Think about that- it is largely invented. You have the same power to invent for yourself and can also use it to reveal the illusions and limits of what you think is possible. Mind power techniques using imagination can take your from the life you live to the life you love. Why many teachings are counterproductive to achieving your dreams Remember when you were a child? You were years away from being trapped under the wet blanket. You still have that freedom as part of your nature although it may be under the covers. Imagination is not merely for child’s play. It is not merely a silly toy used to ‘escape reality.’ Imagination is extremely powerful and can be applied so that you too can run in the sun. Mind power techniques using the imagination can open the door to something much greater. You will know this not from only an intellectual level but also from an experiential level by regularly exercising your imagination, uncovering a deep desire and working towards making that desire a reality. All three combined can rapidly remove the covers. So, you might be wondering… “Can you really use BOTH your proactive imagination and logic to know exactly how to invest your time, energy and money into creating the life that you really deserve and desire?” The answer is, unequivocally YES. Joe Ranieri is the founder of Empurposement.com. He helps people who are either stuck in a job they hate; under earning; living a cookie-cutter existence they yearn to break free from; or compromising their dreams of finding and living their creative purpose. We are by our very nature creative beings. It is who and what we are. Empurposement can help you reunite with this greater part of yourself. Here’s what this empurposement.com can help you achieve…
Ready to stop living a life of compromise? Click the link below, scroll down and fill out the form and you’ll instantly be sent the Free Report, “Trapped: How to Breakout from the life you live—to the life you love,” plus as a bonus the first issue of content-enriched Creative Power Newsletter! Start using Imagination today to change your life and live your creative purpose. to learn more: http://empurposement.com/mind-power-techniques/ |
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